We welcome you to our school located in the beautiful village of East Allington.
Our school and staff are committed to the ‘EA ABC’. We want every child to be Active, Bold and Caring. What does this mean?
Active: be hard working, be independent.
Bold: have a go, be brave.
Caring: be kind, be respectful.
We are a happy, creative and inclusive school with a very positive ethos of high expectations and excellent behaviour underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which recognise the rights of children and young people and ensure that they grow up in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity.
The school is set in stunning grounds which we use to the full with our own Forest School, poly tunnel and sports field. We currently have 99 children on roll and 15 children in our thriving pre-school. We are popular and many children commute from outlying villages and Kingsbridge.
We cannot share the strengths of our school in this short piece of writing. The remainder of this site will tell you some more, but the best way to find out is to come and visit us. Our children, staff and parents will be delighted to tell you about the school.
Tom Pether, Headteacher
Active: Be Hard Working, Be Independant
Bold: Have a go, Be Brave
Caring: Be Kind, Be Respectful

Hazel class took their maths learning outside to practice estimating capacity and reading scales. They learnt about millilitres and litres using a range of beakers and measuring containers with a variety of different scales, before using their hands-on experience to further understand and discuss written maths questions back in class.

EXPLORER DOME! More pictures – these of Beech class and BUBBLES!